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"The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit, and fire." ~Sharon Ralls Lemon

Wild Spirit Herd

Rescued PMU mare - born 2006 


Serenity is a draft-cross (likely Belgium draft) PMU mare who was born to a mother being used to make Premarin, a hormone replacement medication for women going through menopause made from pregnant mare urine.  As a foal, she was bound to the slaughterhouse with the other babies born to PMU mares as she was too young to impregnate over and over in order to harvest the hormones.  Luckily, she was rescued from that fate.

I met her at the rescue where we volunteered and we had an instant bond.  At approximately 18.5 hands tall, she is a gentle giant who is affectionate with those who meet her.  She is very curious and very smart, with a sweet nature and good minded temperment, which is important as we continue our training together.


She loves people and will be a wonderful therapy horse who will help our Warriors and bring attention to their struggles as well as the plight of the PMU mares and foals still needing rescue.


Sponsor Serenity

Mustang - born 2005 


Mustang - born 2010


Uriah is a handsome, gentle, and funny horse that came from the Paiute Reservation.  In May 2013 we were asked to gentle and train a horse from the rescue we volunteered at and then take our horse to the 2013 Wild Horse and Burro Expo in Gardenville, NV.  When I first met Uriah, there was an instant connection!  He was (and still is) sweet and so willing to learn.  I had 6 weeks (we only trained on Saturdays) in total to get him from not knowing anything to trusting me and learn to halter, lead, trot next to me, and go through an obstacle course.


In the time we worked together he taught me so much about how to communicate with him; I had to have patience and understanding because we were both learning together.  We are still learning and enjoying each others company as we walk our path towards helping others heal.  Uriah will be an amazing embassador for horses and is working toward being a wonderfull therapy horse who will help our Warriors suffering from PTS, TBI, and other injuries and traumas find peace and healing.


​This strong, beautiful horse is RadioFlyer.  He has had a tough life, he was purchased to be part of a prison training program where, unforunately, the person who had him was a bit heavy handed with him.  Which lead him to not trust people and their intentions,  It took the trainer a year to show him that not all humans are bad; that there are a few of us out that see horses as their own beings and want to be part of their world.

When we met our Little Red Wagon, he instantly came up to us and wanted to be with us.  He would put himself in a stall so he could play with us and get some hugs and kisses.

He is a very sensitive horse and quick learner. He has a good mind and a big heart.  He will be part of our healing programs.


Sponsor RadioFlyer 

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